Sunday, 13 January 2013

You garaa do what you garaa do, mani!!

Voice are being heard in all corners of this country.
Voices of uncertainty, voices of victims, voice of change, voices of the weak.
Nobody knows how to get out of this dark hole called impunity.
All they are sure of is that the people they trusted as their defenders and representativesHave turned their back on them instead have become greedy, power hungry individuals who are accumulating by any means necessary.
What to do?
Do we sit back and wait for the hand of God to strike them or wait for the hands of time to sweep them from the surface of the earth?
Don’t think we have that much time; if we wait that long, our children will never get their education, our infrastructure won’t be complete, the degrees will be just good decoration on the wall, we wait, we will die. 
The solution is amongst the Kenyan people themselves, but we need to wake them from their slumber, inspire them to take up their responsibility, vote wisely, as much as using their vote to get rid of this parasites that feed on the weak. 

We need that one tool that will echo the cries, strengthen the weak -- instead of using their last pint of strength to overturn railways lines, they should utilize that strength to lift up and vote in good leaders. 



1 comment:

  1. to really agree SITA NYAMAZA will use my vote wisely and will also sensitize my fellow youth to join the movement to remove this greedy leader so help me GOD
    just realized it begins with me
